This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

I Like Trees: no more pictures?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

no more pictures?

HI guys. i havent gotten anymore piCtures in my emAil siNce my lasT post... did i do something wrong? i didnt mean to if i did... so pleaSe keep sEnding picturEs if You dOnt mind...

anyway... i havent seen the moving tree in a while. i dont think dad Understands why it scares me but the police still tAke it seriously so as loNg as theY know that soMething is Out there and following me then i should be alRight.

keep sEnding pictures if you can... sorry if i did something


  1. Sorry, I'm just all out of pictures. You didn't even notice the last ones I sent you, so I stopped.

  2. Hey Jack, I'll be sure to send you some pictures.
