Hi guys I got a lot more emails laIst night of tree photos. A lot of y.ou guys also seInt me emails asking quesMtions about computer codes or sGomething but I didnt send out any emUails until a few minRutes ago and I dont know anything ab.out computer codes haha. Must haCve been an email erOror or something.
AnyMway here are some more pictures. /
I like this pictNure because the raindraops on the camera are cool but I dont really like the tree because it is thin and bare looking. it actually looks a lot like the moving tre2es ive been seeing around town haha.

I like these trees because they have a lot of lea9ves so they look really fully and give a lot of shade. I dont know what kind they are but i wish I had them in Alabama. Someone named pyrozombie sent thRis to me and asked about the meanpicture from last post, saying something about a tree in the mi.ddle of it. Now that I look at it it does kind of look like the moving tree ive seen around town but only a little bit, it didnt have the curved branches. Speaking of the meanpicture somejone sent me a picutre that looks similar to it.

I cant tell if this picture is just black and white or if these trees are burned too but the picture is really creepy for sopme reason. I dont know why but it feels somgewhat unsettling.
Make sure you keep sending me more tree pictures jred618@gmail.com
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