We spent much of the past few days searching nearby bodies of suicides, and we finally found a Polaroid camera (even though it's 2011). We took a picture of the interior of the cave we've been hiding in and then set off in search of the door. When we got there, acting on advice that you guys had given us, we placed the photo into the triangles, which is apparently a photo frame.
Once we did so, we were able to open the door, which swung outward. When we opened the door, we saw ourselves looking in on our cave.
We shut the door, removed the photo, and found that the door had locked itself. We took off back to the cave before night fell, but found something rather unsettling when we reached it. Not far in, about halfway to the point where we had been sleeping, we began seeing blood smears on the wall. When we reached the point where we had been sleeping, we found the bodies of Brandon and Emily, two of the other survivors, disemboweled and propped up against the cave wall, as if sitting down casually next to each other. Despite the gruesome state of their bodies, their faces were untouched and appeared normal, with the exception of being ghostly white and frozen in a look of horror. Perhaps most unsettling, however, is the symbol drawn above their heads in (probably their own) blood.

We ran all night away from that cave, and we have found another one. We are sleeping in shifts to look out for anything so we don't meet the same fate.
I'm scared.
Don't use the door again, if my hunch is correct you could effectively be sacrificing people that you are with to fuel it.
ReplyDeleteNo! Didn't you understand what I was saying? You have to take pictures of barren woods/hollows, where no one can be found! No! I'm so sorry! I feel so guilty right now...
ReplyDeleteDo the others have phones? Maybe you should contact them and at the very least warn them. But if you can get everyone together and find a picture, maybe in someone's pocket, it's possible that you could all pass through the door holding hands, and everyone could escape that way. If everyone's together when you open the door, it may be safer. Be careful.
It does seem the photo is the key to the door, and that's most likely why our tall friend was asking for people to send photos while he was posing as Jack. If someone sent him a photo of a tree in their neighborhood, he instantly had a portal and access to any number of victims.
ReplyDeleteIf you can find a photo to a familiar place (ie, an American landmark), you may be able to use it to activate the door and travel back to the good ole USA. However, any photo you put in that door is likely to give our tall friend a portal to the place in your photo.
So, maybe you can find a photo of an American landmark that isn't near any people, but could help you get back to civilization. Then you'll need to find another door, or return to the door you previously opened.
Whatever you do, don't take a picture of our tall friend (on your phone or on the polaroid), and don't take a polaroid photo of anything near where you are. And don't go back to any place you have already photo'd on the polaroid. He doesn't like to be filmed, and he is definitely drawn to pictures and movies.