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This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

I Like Trees: A Locked Door

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Locked Door

We've been moving constantly the past few days. Serah swears that she saw it a few hours ago, so we've been running ever since. We're inside a cave at the moment, heading right into the mountainside.

We're still in the forest. Assuming it is in Japan, we'd have to cross the ocean to get home, and that isn't something we're likely to accomplish. If we stay in the forest, however, we have some chance of finding wayward travelers - but even more than that, that creature had to bring us here somehow. Perhaps we can find whatever dimensional passage or whatnot the creature used to get us here, and use it to get back to the U.S. (Serah is from the U.S. too, she lives in California).

Anyway, the reason I'm updating you guys is that we've made an interesting discovery. In the forest today we found a door. In the middle of the forest, it was just standing there in a frame connected to nothing but the ground. On the door in huge black script were some Japanese symbols - neither of us can read it, unfortunately. Below the symbols are four strange metal triangles, arranged into a rectangle, with the triangles at the corners.

What is weird is that when we tried to take a photo of the door to show you guys and see if you could translate the symbols, all the camera picked up was the forest behind it. No door. The door is, for some reason, locked from both sides. We have a strong feeling that this door is related to the creature, somehow. When we go back out tomorrow we are going to try and find it to investigate some more.

If you have any ideas as for how we can translate these symbols, please let me know.


  1. If you could please write them down on paper, I could try...

  2. Actually, come to think of it, I think the symbols are the same as the one on that image linked when the creature was in control of the blog.

    I will confirm tomorrow when it's safe.

  3. Can you draw the way the triangles are arranged? Do they look like they can be moved, or pushed like buttons? Might be some sort of puzzle lock.

    As for the Japanese I don't think anyone has it fully translated yet but when it first went up someone said that part of it reads "Black 13".

  4. My friend helped me with the Kanji,the door reads:

    "Black 13-Stalking the sea"

    Hope this helps!

  5. Also,here's some stuff one of the contacts I know came up with. Aokigahra is known in Japan as the Sea of Trees. "Stalking the sea"-would refer to the thing hunting you in the sea of trees.

    The Black 13 is anyone's guess. It could refer to the thing,or your group of survivors. You should get back to us on this ASAP.

  6. Have you tried busting the door down? Knocking? Kicking it?
    Just ideas. Might not be that great of an idea, though...

  7. I don't think opening that door is the wisest idea.

  8. Black 13? You did just turn 13 correct?

  9. The door is quite interesting, and obviously . . . I suppose magical is the best word to use. But if it's magic there's a good chance it's His magic and highly dangerous. Also the forests are known to be His place, and the one you're in sounds like it's even more so than most. Even if you aren't in Japan I assume you're still here on earth or we wouldn't be able to communicate. While I hate to advise a young boy to leave a magic door without investigating it, including walking through to discover what's on the other side, it may be safer to try to get back to civilization and head for the American Embassy. They should be able to get you back home.

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