This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

I Like Trees: update and more pictures

Monday, August 15, 2011

update and more pictures

Hey guys sorry ive been gone for a while. After that weird guy and the police station I didnt leave the house for a few days. I went outside for a little while today and talked to my neighbor. Hes a nature photographer and he just got back from Japan a few days ago. He was showing me some cool pictures of this one place he went to but I cant pronounce or spell the name.

Anyway I checked my email and there are a couple pictures of trees this time.

I like this one because it is so brightly colored while the rest are jsut your normal green leafs. It may not be the type of tree and it might just be that it isnt all the way fall yet but its still a cool picture.

These trees are the long and thin and it looks like there is a thunderstorm coming and it might strike them and dead trees are really creepy, like the ones in the mean picture with the burned ones before.

Dont forget to keep sending my pictures


  1. Hey Jack. i was wondering, what was with that last post? i don't know if you can see it or not, but its creeping me out.

  2. The photographer was in Japan?
