Anyway, I decided to take a better look through this phone. I have found it odd to say the least that this phone has managed to stay charged for several weeks. So I opened up the battery door. There was just a normal battery in there, nothing out of the ordinary. After that I decided to inspect the device's software. Everything appeared fine until I started reading old text messages.
Here is one message, from the number "252-2513"; there was no area code: "eW91IHdpbGwgbm90IGVzY2FwZS4gdGhlIGN5Y2xlIHdpbGwgbm90IGJlIGJyb2tlbi4=" It was sent on June 18th. Jack's birthday.
There are a lot like this, but this one message was sent three times on the same day for some reason.
Also: Jack's middle name is Anderson.
It basically means "you will not escape. the cycle will not be broken." which... sucks... whoever sent it is evil.