I've lost track of how long it's been since my last post.
I've been stealing glances into the blue orb for months now, and I've noticed a pattern, almost like a sequence of events. There were the two men taking pictures in the forest - the first one, the man whose face I recognized immediately, is almost certainly my father; still not sure who the second man, the one in the red hat, could be - then I come through the door and meet up with Brandon. Then Jack comes through the door. We meet up with the large group. Jack and I find Brandon and Emily's corpses. Jack is taken. I shoot Jack. Then, however, things take a turn.
I thought that the Agent would take Jack back to the cave, and then sometime later I would join them. But instead, I see the Agent take Jack to a tree with a noose hanging from it, and I see Jack hang himself, only to then step down, seconds later, and follow the Agent to the cave.
I found this out a month ago, and I've been trying to figure out what the Agent wants with Jack's reanimated corpse. Then, three days ago, I found a lead.
The red orb reappeared in the chamber three days ago. Instead of looking into the blue orb, I looked into this one - and I saw the cell phone that Jack and I were originally using, with this symbol imposed over it:

The cell phone is somehow important to this whole mess - and I think that Jack and the Agent are looking for it. I pray they don't find out that I've had it, hidden in my pack, this entire time.
I'm not sure what would happen if they did.
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