This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

This site has been frozen pending investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Please contact Joel Selznick, investigation lead for more information.

I Like Trees: October 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Orb

Jack and the Agent were both gone today when I woke up. I checked the area and made sure they weren't close, and then grabbed the blue orb.

Inside the blue orb, I saw a man taking pictures of a cave. It wasn't too out of the ordinary were it not for one thing: the cave he was taking pictures of was the cave Jack and I were hiding out in. The one Brandon and Emily were killed in.

I've never seen the man before, but he was wearing a red hat with a white A on it that looked strikingly familiar, but I couldn't place it. He certainly isn't what I THOUGHT I saw in the orb the other day, because I would never forget the face of the person I thought I saw... I think.

It was just a glance, though... I still remember his face. I haven't forgotten him. No, that's ridiculous. I remember him.

Maybe if I say it enough times it'll be true.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Jack is hiding something.

We've been "working" for the Agent for a few weeks now, and I've come to the conclusion that Jack knows something he isn't telling me. He'll leave the cave for hours at a time, come back exhausted, and go to sleep immediately, not even acknowledging my questions. I'll go to sleep before he wakes up, and then when I wake up the Agent is there, standing over the orbs while Jack sits in the corner.

When they were both gone one day I picked up one of the other orbs - the green one - and stared into it. I saw a man with a large camera taking photographs of trees. The scene shifted, and I saw another person taking photographs of trees in a different location. The scene continued to change, showing many people taking photographs with many different kinds of cameras. I put the orb back, and not much later Jack came running back in, giving me an accusatory stare - somehow, he knew.

I haven't looked into the other ones yet, but I caught a glimpse of something in the blue orb that, if true, means that we are in danger. I am awaiting a chance to look into it and see if what I saw was what is actually there.

If it is, then may God help me.

Actually, that should be god, not God.